Cadangan Pembelian

Alat Mesin Urut Digital Badan Lengguh Sakit

Alat Mesin Urut Digital Badan Lengguh Sakit

Alat Mesin Urut Digital Badan Lengguh Sakit

This comes with a beautiful manual explaining what areas to apply treatments and for what type of problem
I use the Machine myself and it really works............
1. Applied with digital technology, this unit transfers the physical factors necessary to the human body into precise digital signals and conducts comprehensive therapy through computer based on the requirements of the body. In this way, the therapeutic accuracy can be ensured and the therapeutic efficacy can be greatly improved.
2. Can be used to instantly change the output pulse so that the therapeutic effect can go deep into the skin, making you feel more  satisfactory.
3. The marvelous waveform composition let you feel a sense of reality of thumping, massage, acupuncture and moxibustion.
4. The special immunotherapy function.
This is a new of healthcare product developed in accordance with theory of Traditional Chinese Meridians and Vessels, electro biology, physics and modern microelectronic technology and in combination with abundant clinical practices. The highest application rate and the best effect on body reaction by combining therapeutically methods.

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