Cadangan Pembelian

Spring Lompatan Senaman Dewasa Kanak

Spring Lompatan Senaman Dewasa Kanak

Spring Lompatan Senaman Dewasa Kanak

  • 8.5" high off the floor.
  • Maximum Weight Capacity: 90KG
  • Available colors: Blue, Black, Red
  • Available sizes: 38", 40" and 45"
  • A study carried out by NASA found that 10 minutes bouncing on a  is a better cardiovascular workout than 33 minutes of running. The report said “for similar levels of heart rate and oxygen consumption, the magnitude of the bio mechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than with running.” Bouncing on a trampoline also stimulates the flow in a way that helps rid the body of toxins and waste.
    Co-Ordination & Agility.

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