Cadangan Pembelian

Pembesar Suara Telinga Tanpa Wayar MP3 Bluetooth Unik

Pembesar Suara Telinga Tanpa Wayar MP3 Bluetooth Unik

Pembesar Suara Telinga Tanpa Wayar MP3 Bluetooth Unik

  • 100% Brand New.
  • High sensitivity, interference resistance, strong signal, outstanding performance, effective range over 8m,and reception beyond obstacle of wall.
  • Bass speaker for great enjoyment
  • Hi-Fi for beautiful sound.
  • Wireless Earphone
  • Wireless reception from any electrical device with audio output such as full-channel TV sound,
    PC, game player, DVD player, VCD player, audio device,MP3 player, and CD player.
    Full-channel TV sound: What will you do if there is your favorite TV program but worry about
    disturbing others? Use of the wireless earphone enables you to watch wonderful TV program
    with mute function.
  • Wireless Net Chat
  • It's perfect audio-chat tool, provides infinite enjoyment
  • FM Radio
  • The headset can be used as FM radio separately, search and lock channels automatically.
  • Wired Earphone
  • Equipped with audio cable ,the receiver can be used as a wired earphone.
  • Wireless Monitoring
  • Place the emitter near baby, old people and sick people who need care, and the sound of the
    cared people can be heard with the receiver, for easy care.
  • Receiver
  • Frequency range: 86 - 108 MHz
  • Reception Mode: FM
  • Distortion: =<2%
  • Power Supply: 2 x AAA batteries (not included).
  • Emitter
  • Emission Frequency: 86 +- MHz
  • Modulation Mode: FM
  • Emission Distance: >= 8m
  • Reception from any audio and visual equipment with audio out socket, such as TV set, audio device, DVD/VCD player, multimedia PC, etc.
  • Power Supply: 2 x AAA batteries or 5v DC

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