Cadangan Pembelian

Permainan Gigi Buaya Gigit

Permainan Gigi Buaya Gigit

Permainan Gigi Buaya Gigit

  • Brand New & High Quality
  • A funny toy for both kids and adults
  • Green body with big eyes, long teeth and big mouth, very vivid design
  • Play with your family, friends, and classmates, test the feelings of heartthrob together
  • Which tooth is bothering the poor old croc? Press the sore tooth and he'll surprise you
  • Every time you open the croc's mouth a random tooth will be sore
  • Pick the sore tooth and the croc's jaws will snap at your finger
  • To Win, be the only Dentist who doesn't rile the crocodile
  • No batteries required,easy and exciting to play
  • Color:Green
  • Material:Plastic
  • Size:160*130*100mm
  • Weight:223g

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