Cadangan Pembelian

alat punch card FINGERPRINT rekod kehadiran pekerja pejabat

alat punch card FINGERPRINT rekod kehadiran pekerja pejabat

kami menjual barangan secara online atas nama syarikat yang sah,

jika berminat dengan barangan yang dipaparkan, 

sila weecat/wasssupp/massgee = 019.209.5404

trimasss kasihhhh...

This item is our new item, no need to use USB cable/ software to upload or download all the informations of users’ working attendance. What you need to do just use the U-Disk to upload or download. So convenient for users, easy to setting.  Four reports of records, one is for financial department, one is single staff attendance details for one month, one is absence report, and the last one is  all staffs information.

  • 1.Fingerprint capacity: 1024pcs
2. Record capacity:  64000pcs
3. Password capacity: 1024pcs
4. Access mode: Fingerprint/Fingerprint+ID No./ ID No. + Password
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