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Power Bank Wireless Tanpa Wayar Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

Power Bank Wireless Tanpa Wayar Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

Power Bank Wireless Tanpa Wayar Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

Brand New
100% Genuine IMPORT Original Samsung Produt
This is compatible with the Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 Edge.
The latest wireless charger from Samsung is an official accessory of the Galaxy S6, and is very easy to setup and use. This sleek charger leaves a small footprint, requiring minimal space. Properly aligning the device on the charging pad is needed though, and the built-in LED indicator light will alert you if the device is not properly aligned and when a good charge alignment is acquired (LED lights up blue). If using with the Galaxy S6, it will also alert you when your device is fully charged (LED lights up green). The charger also comes with over-charging protection.
-Compatible with mobile devices and wireless charging cases that support WPC-wireless charging
-Its ambient LED display indicates charging status, turning from a subtle blue to a vibrant green when the battery is full
-Just Place on it no need to find the charging port
NOTE: Not able to charge flat battery or phone powered off.
Fast Charge Wireless Charging Pad
Compatibility: The wireless Fast Charge feature is compatible with Galaxy Note5 and Galaxy S6 edge+. Universal wireless charging support for other Qi-enabled devices. Charging your device wirelessly may require the addition of a wireless charging cover (sold separately).
Take your wireless charging experience to the next level with the Fast Charge Wireless Charging Pad. Available in black sapphire or white, the new wireless charging pad allows you to charge your Galaxy Note5 or Galaxy S6 edge+ device up to 1.4x faster than standard wireless charging pads, reducing total charging time from 0-100% by up to 50 minutes!* Using Samsung’s Fast Charge technology, the pad can transfer a faster charge to the device when used with the included Fast Charge wall charger. The Fast Charge Wireless Charging Pad is closing the gap in speed between wireless and wired charging! The pad is also backwards compatible for any Qi-enabled device so you can charge those devices wirelessly at standard speeds.
Fast Charge Support
Galaxy Note5 and Galaxy S6 edge+ are compatible with wireless Fast Charge technology. Other devices will charge at standard wireless charging speeds.
Wireless Charging Convenience
Say goodbye to tangled wires and lost charging cables. The Samsung Wireless Charging Pad utilizes Qi Inductive Charging Technology that eliminates the need to fumble with charging cables each time you want to charge your device. The dedicated Charging Pad is always at the ready, providing wireless power whenever you set your device on the pad. You can still use your device while charging, and your device is always accessible so you can answer a call without having to unplug.
Easy To Use
The Samsung Wireless Charging Pad is easy to set up and use. First, connect the Charging Pad to your device’s charging cable and then place your phone on the pad. For optimal performance, your device should be placed in the center of the pad. The built-in LED indicator light will alert you if the device is not properly aligned and when a good charge alignment is acquired. If using a Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 edge, Galaxy Note5 or Galaxy S6 edge+, the pad will also alert you when your device is fully charged with a green LED indicator light. If a non-Samsung or Samsung charger below 2A is used, you may damage the charging pad.
Please take note - This is an ORIGINAL IMPORT ITEM

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MASALAH TANGGUNGAN KEWANGAN SEMASA REMAJA Apa yang boleti ditonjolkan pada tahap ini ialah potensi penda-patan Power Bank Wireless Tanpa Wayar Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge pada masa hadapan. Mereka mempunyai prospek untuk bekerja dan memperoleh pendapatan bagi jangka masa kira-kira 30-35 tahun lagi sebelum bersara. Biasanya mereka akan berbe-lanja dan mengikuti gaya hidup seolah-olah mereka akan terus bekerja dan beroleh pendapatan untuk tempoh hadapan yang panjang ini. Mereka membeli kereta secara sewa beli, rumah secara pinjarnan tetap, perabot rumah dan alatan elektrik juga secara ansuran. Di samping semua tanggungan berasaskan pada potensi pendapatan masa hadapan, remaja ini membuat keputusan untuk memasuki zaman berumah tangga. Ini menam-bahkan lagi beban kewangan dan keperluan pendapatan untuk hidup sejahtera. Selagi remaja ini terus sihat, Power Bank Wireless Tanpa Wayar Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge aktif dan berusaha, mereka akan s memperoleh pendapatan dan dapat hidup dengan sejahtera i menampung keluarga dan tanggungan-tanggungannya. salahnya ialah kita semua tidak langsung dapat mengang-rkan sampai bila kita akan hidup sihat dan terus aktif. Ajal dan eki kita ditentukan oleh Allah S.W.T dan masa hadapan juga nya diketahui oleh Allah S.W.T saja. Inilah risiko paling tinggi yang kita hadapi dalam hidup kita. Ketidaktentuan ini selalu diabaikan atau jarang-jarang difikirkan secara serius oleh keba-nyakan remaja kita. Walaupun Allah S.W.T telah menjanjikan rezeki untuk setiap insan di dunia ini, is tidaklah bermakna kita tidak perlu merancang dan menguruskan kewangan kita untuk masa had apan ini. Bayangkan sebuah keluarga muda mengandungi suami isteri dan 2 — 3 orang anak-anak yang kecil (di bawah umur 5 tahun ). Biasanya pada tahap ini pendapatan keluarga Power Bank Wireless Tanpa Wayar Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge adalah kira-kira RM2,000 sebulan Keluarga remaja ini juga selalunya menghadapi beberapa bentuk komitmen dan tanggungan kewangan. Ansuran bulanan kereta ialah kira-kira RM500 sebulan, ansuran belian rumah RM600 sebulan, ansuran belian perabot dan alat elektrik ini kira-kira RM200 lagi. Jadi, setiap bulan komitmen tetap kewangan sudah menjangkau kira-kira RM1,300. Bakinya seba-

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